
Day Eighteen 3

Hi! I’m Corrie. I’ve been living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn with my husband Jim, Yorkiepoo Portia, and kitty Mercedes since 2004. We’re pretty happy here and wouldn’t leave if you paid us.

I’ve been a vegan since 2010 (actually, prior to that but I “relapsed”, long story) but now I’m pretty hard core about it. I don’t eat any meat, seafood, dairy, or eggs and even take it a step further by not wearing any leather or wool. I also don’t use any beauty or healthcare products tested on animals. Like I said, I take it seriously.

I work as an executive at an electronics company, but all that’s pretty boring. I come from a creative background, so despite loving my job I still need that outlet. As a result in my free time I’ve become pretty obsessed with all things creative in design and style, including fashion, and interior design. That makes being a vegan interesting because I have to go out of my way to find stylish options that don’t make me look like a hippie. Though I like and appreciate boho style, I’d get laughed out of the board room.

I started Brooklyn Bliss first as a personal blog, which has since morphed into an online landing spot to find information about current popular trends, just vegan style. Besides my own blog, I also write a column called Vegan Vogue on I Eat Grass.



2011 Year in Review



Brooklyn Bliss is open to sponsorship with brands whom will be of interest to Brooklyn Bliss as well as its readers. Preference is given to brands that feature vegan, cruelty free products and services. Please email me for more info on how we might collaborate.


Brooklyn Bliss participates in product reviews. It’s a great way to test out new products and introduce them to my readers. I will only review products that are vegan and cruelty free (though does not necessarily need to be eco-friendly or sustainable). Anything sent to me to review will have a “c/o” next to it. If the product does not fit or work well with my style I can’t guarantee it will appear on the blog.


Brooklyn Bliss does promote giveaways on a case by case basis. Email me for more information.



Brooklyn Bliss does not participate in link exchanges or sell any text links on the blog. All links are hand picked by me based on my interests and things I am currently loving.


Brooklyn Bliss will never sell or give anyone’s contact information inputted into this blog.